Saturday, February 23, 2008

found in blogdom

found in pockets co-conspirator AMEN was interviewed by Radio Free Nation this week. RFN is a blog broadcast schemed into virtual reality by Marty Owings. Marty is a passionate broadcaster with a love for the often unnoticed side of the world. He leads a great interview that was sparked by his finding FIP on a random browse through the blogs of note and it turned him on enough to want to do an interview.

We had a chance to speak for a few minutes prior to the interview and Marty was quick to pick up on my anarchist philosophies and we had a great discussion about life, loves, and literature of the digital realm. check him out by clicking on the RFN logo. to hear the found in pockets interview, look for the Michael Franklin interview.


Petruchio said...

You all totally deserve to be found in blogdom. This is one of the most ingenious things I've come across on the internet in a while. Five stars.

Have a Memorable Day!
- Petruchio

pektod said...

hi there, what a nice blog you have here, ;)

ahmad wiyono said...

Great blog! Keep up the good work